Dealing with Difficult People

Strategies, tips and techniques for fighting frustration in the workplace

1-Day Seminar


Credits – 

CEU: 0.6 |  

CPE: 6 |  

HRCI: 5.5 |  

PDC: 6  

Do you know how to work with difficult people? How many of these personalities do you recognize?

  • The Know-It-Alls
    They're arrogant and usually have an opinion on every issue. When they're wrong, they get defensive.
  • The Passives
    These people never offer ideas or let you know where they stand.
  • The Dictators
    They bully and intimidate. They're constantly demanding and brutally critical.
  • The Gripers
    Is anything ever right with them? They prefer complaining to finding solutions.
  • The "Yes" People
    They agree to any commitment, yet rarely deliver. You can't trust them to follow through.
  • The "No" People
    They are quick to point out why something won't work. Worse, they're inflexible.

Of course you recognize them. They're the people you work with, sell to, depend on, live with. Learn to deal with them quickly and confidently at Dealing with Difficult People.

Concrete techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace and at home

Never again fall victim to those who love to make life miserable for the rest of us. This training gives you concrete techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace and at home. It provides specific strategies for getting adversaries to cooperate … bullies to back off … wallflowers to open up … chronic complainers to quiet down. Knowing how to deal with difficult people at work will allow you to approach your job with more enjoyment and your coworkers with greater confidence. Cooperation, collaboration and compromise will improve — and that makes for a more productive and efficient workplace for everyone.

How this program is structured …

It's structured for maximum learning. You'll experience a carefully designed combination of:

  • Informative presentation
    Your trainer is skilled at sharing information in a way that's engaging. Just sit back and take it all in.
  • Practice exercises
    You'll do some of these alone, and others with groups or a partner. Don't worry — no one will be singled out or embarrassed.
  • Group discussion
    Get your questions answered. Share your point of view. These are some of the most stimulating segments of the program.
Dealing with Difficult People At Work or At Home

Strategies, tips and techniques for fighting frustration in the workplace

Never again fall victim to those who love to make life miserable for the rest of us. You’ll learn why difficult people act the way they do, what to say and do in specific situations and how to bring out the best in even the worst offenders. You'll be able to put your new knowledge to use immediately, and start turning every interaction into a positive one! Learn concrete techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace and at home.

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Understand the difficult people in your life

Learn how they think, what they fear, why they do what they do. Understanding these things makes dealing with difficult people less frustrating.

  • "Mapping" difficult people to gain insight into what makes them tick
  • The most common mistake well-intentioned people make that actually worsens conflicts
  • What a team can do with a person who isn't a team player
  • The single best response to sarcasm
  • 3 ways to get people to keep their word
  • How to deal with a person who practices one-upmanship
  • When to go to a third party for help in dealing with a problem person

Know how to communicate with difficult people

At this seminar, you'll concentrate on here's-how-you-do-it techniques. You'll leave knowing how to use these techniques in specific situations when dealing with difficult people in the workplace.

  • What to do when someone — even a boss — starts yelling
  • What to do when someone takes credit for your idea
  • How to determine if a difficult relationship is worth salvaging, and what to do if it isn't
  • The best way to get someone to stop holding a grudge
  • Handling the person who says one thing to you but the opposite to someone else
  • When and how to go over someone's head to a superior
  • Dealing with touchy people who take things personally
  • How to get your boss to quit procrastinating and make a decision

Be less of a target for difficult people

Look at the difficult people in your life. Chances are, at least one person manages to get along with them. You can, too. Learn how to derail problem people and teach them to treat you with respect.

  • How to cope with excuse-makers and blamers
  • What to do immediately when someone threatens you
  • 3 tactics that prevent you from being manipulated by others
  • Hot buttons: how to keep people from pushing yours
  • "The boss's favorite": how to cope with the person who's perfect in the boss's eyes — but doesn't really do a fair share of the work

Bring out the best in even the most difficult people

Let's face it, nobody's difficult all the time (and everybody is some of the time). Your new skills will help you reinforce positive behavior in even the most difficult people — at work and at home.

  • How to handle a coworker who is too competitive
  • How to handle someone who wants to get "too personal"
  • What to do when people make promises you suspect they won't keep
  • How to give an aggressive person an alternative to direct conflict
  • The special body positions to use in dealing with specific kinds of difficult people (your body language can be even more powerful than what you say)
  • Special for managers: how to deal with employees who don't keep commitments … have a negative attitude … or are closed-minded

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