Communication Skills for Women

How to achieve confidence and credibility in the workplace

1-Day Seminar

The top 10 communication hurdles – can you relate?
  1. Confronting or criticizing others
  2. Not being taken seriously
  3. Feeling self-conscious
  4. Dealing with other people’s anger
  5. Speaking in front of a group
  6. Facing tough situations with confidence
  7. Receiving criticism
  8. Getting cooperation
  9. Setting limits
  10. Taking the floor
This one-day training will help you build the skills to overcome them.

Are you ready to gain the respect and rewards of a more confident communication style? Then don’t let the opportunity to attend this seminar pass you by.

Communication Skills for Women is a one-day seminar designed to help you communicate more confidently and persuasively. It reflects the attitude, style and professionalism of today’s most powerful women. You’ll learn how to get better results with all of the people in your life.

Make more of an impact with people at home and at work

Spend a day looking at how you interact with others. At this training you’ll discover the simple yet profound changes you can make to add impact to your communication.

And, don’t worry. You won’t be singled out or asked to speak in front of the group. This seminar is a supportive, empowering and highly enjoyable day.

Communication Skills for Women Training

How to achieve confidence and credibility in the workplace

This one-day seminar is designed to help you communicate more confidently and persuasively. It reflects the attitude, style and professionalism of today's most powerful women. You'll discover simple yet profound changes you can make to add impact to your communication and get better results with all of the people in your life.

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Speaking up and getting heard

  • A matter of timing: when you're most likely to be heard and when it's better to hold your tongue
  • Crucial differences in the ways men and women communicate — and how to use this awareness to get more respect
  • The simple secret of creating immediate rapport
  • How taking yourself seriously affects the way others see you … and specific ways to demonstrate your own self-respect
  • Tips for gently redefining relationships with your coworkers so they know where you stand and how you want to be treated
  • A way to make requests that actually encourages people to cooperate with you

Moving from self-consciousness to self-confidence

  • Ways to mentally prepare for a difficult confrontation … an all-important presentation … or a high-powered meeting
  • Courage-builders to help you face high-stakes situations and difficult people
  • Specific techniques that enable you to keep your composure when you feel yourself losing control
  • How to listen (and respond) to what people mean, not what they say

Setting limits without making enemies

  • What to do when you're ignored or interrupted (so you don't get flustered and do get results)
  • How to criticize others in a way that minimizes resentment and defensiveness
  • When you're being criticized: how to stay open to the message without overreacting or being "hurt"
  • Ways to respond to intimidation or bullying
  • Empathy: your secret weapon for defusing a hothead
  • How to say "no" in a way people respect
  • What to do when people don't respect your limits
  • Specific techniques for dealing with lying, guilt trips and unreasonable requests
  • How to avoid inconsistent behaviors that make it harder for you to set limits the next time

Gaining visibility and getting ahead

  • Five steps that help you manage the stress of speaking in groups
  • How to be an "active player" and contribute during meetings
  • When you want to sell your point of view: how to make your idea their idea
  • How to react to a challenge so you come across even stronger
  • A quick and simple way to get over your fear of speaking up
  • How to use conflicts to build stronger relationships

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