Category: Excel®

Microsoft® Excel® – Getting Help

Like many software tools, Microsoft® Excel® has a LOT more functionality than most people need for most standard assignments. Consistent with the 80/20 rule, which holds that 80% of the results flow from 20% of the work, most people really only need 20% of the functionality of a tool for…
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When to Use Microsoft® Excel® for Text Products

Microsoft® does a good job of creating different software for different core business functions, however, there can be some overlap between tools.  For example, we often select Microsoft® Word for text-heavy documents with tables, but there are times when Excel® may be your best starting point. Here are examples of…
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Preparing Final Products using Microsoft® Excel®

Many of today’s desktop applications are designed to show the final formatting on the screen as you work on the product.  For example, in Microsoft® Word, as long as you view the document in “Print Layout” as you are typing, you will generally see on the screen what you can…
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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Jump to: Formatting Shortcuts | Navigation and Display Shortcuts | Formulas and Functions Shortcuts Selection and Editing [keyboard_shortcut title="Adds other nonadjacent cells or ranges to the selection" keys="Shift,F8"] [keyboard_shortcut title="Adds to the selection (toggle)" keys="Shift,F8"] [keyboard_shortcut title="Cancels the editing" keys="Esc"] [keyboard_shortcut title="Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end…
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Get Faster: 4 Tips for Arranging Excel Data

Applies to Excel 2010-2016 Adjusting how rows and columns of data are displayed can quickly become a nuisance. Every extra click you perform to make your spreadsheet readable is time spent away from more important tasks. Here are four tips for making common spreadsheet tasks simpler and faster: Add More…
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External Reference Links: Link Excel Worksheets Together

Worksheets can be linked so that information shared between the two is always identical. This reduces errors and ensures consistency as information only needs to be entered in one place to be available in multiple locations. In our example today, data is gathered and duplicated between employees and departments. One…
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Trace Precedents in Excel: Find Formulas, Functions and Cells Connected to a Cell

Have you ever inherited a worksheet that someone else set up or you created and haven’t played in for some time? If you need to update the formulas and functions, but do not know what other calculations will be affected you could quickly make a lot of work for yourself!…
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Insert Subtotals in Excel

Subtotals are dynamic in that they adjust instantly based on filters. They are very useful when reviewing a table, as you can make small adjustments to see different perspectives on the information. Create a Subtotal Determine which column you want to subtotal. Sort the selected column (Column A in this…
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Excel Data Validation: Check Formatting of Entered Data

Excel allows you to set certain cells to accept only a certain data format that you specify. You can prompt the user with guidelines about the proper way to enter their data. You can even specify that data must fall in a certain data range if you wish. When data…
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Use Graphics to Compare Cell Values in Excel

Want a quick way to view and interpret data directly in the tables without resorting to graphs or charts? You can add color bars, icons or graphics that reflect the meaning of the data in each cell to get an “at a glance” view of your data. Conditional formatting means…
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