Category: Human Resourses Training

DOL Penalized for Overtime Violations (Video)

Lisa Smith discusses the Department of Labor being penalized for overtime violations in the video below. Transcript Wage and hour issues are a serious subject with the Department of Labor. No employer wants to be in a position to pay heavy fines and penalties because they violated overtime laws or…
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Employee Retention: 3 Make or Break Factors (Video)

In this video blog, Lisa Smith discusses some employee retention strategies. Transcript Do you sometimes struggle with recruitment and retention issues in your organization? Well, if you do, I have a survey that you'll enjoy. Recently, the Society for Human Resource Management surveyed a variety of workers across the United…
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Employers Must Have a Written FMLA Policy (Video)

Does your organization currently have a written FMLA policy? In the short video below, Lisa Smith discusses the Department of Labor's new FMLA requirement. Transcript Well, it looks like the DOL is at it again. In June of 2016 the Department of Labor released a 76 page guide regarding the…
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DOLs Final Rule for FLSA Overtime Exemption: Next Steps (Video)

Transcript What's an employer to do? December 1st, 2016, the final rule is going to kick in. And we all have to be ready. So let's say you've performed the internal audit in your organization, and you found out, uh-oh, we have some folks that don't qualify for the exemption.…
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DOLs Final Rule for Overtime Exemption: The Duties Test (Video)

Do you know and understand the overtime exemption rule recently released by the Department of Labor? In this video, Lisa Smith gives an overview of which duties qualify an individual for exemption. Transcript Under the final rule that was issued May 18 of 2016, we know that the duties tests…
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Department of Labor Releases Final Rule for FLSA Overtime Exemptions (Video)

Is your company aware of the recent release of the final rule for overtime exemption? Be sure you are up to date with all the new FLSA updates. In this video, Lisa Smith goes into a brief overview of the ruling. Transcript As you probably know, the Department of Labor released…
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Mandatory Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors

Federal Contractors awoke to a Labor Day game-changer. President Obama signed an Executive Order on September 7, 2015, mandating paid sick leave for employees working on federal contracts. This new mandate affects all federal contracts beginning in 2017. Adding up the numbers, it seems that a worker will accrue one…
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IRS Issues Proposed Rule Clarifying Laws Regarding Same Sex Marriage

Employers! You no longer need to hold your breath hoping you are “doing it right” regarding same sex marriage equality laws. On October 23, 2015, the question of how employers and other entities must handle the definition of marriage for IRS tax purposes was answered in the IRS proposed rule regarding implementation…
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Is Overtime Pay for Exempt Employees Really Becoming Law?

Well, not actual overtime pay for exempt employees. But, it will feel that way when your overtime exempt workers hear this: “You may be getting a pay raise if you make less than $50,440 a year (before taxes)!”  Wait, what? About 15 million salaried overtime exempt employees who have earned about…
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Danger Zones That Can Trip Up Even the Most Seasoned HR Professional

Let's talk about "best practices" that can minimize the legal threat all HR professionals face – be they seasoned or beginning. Think consistency in enforcement. This is a tricky because we always think we are being consistent - we are not. Using checklists will help when you are hiring, giving performance…
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