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Project Management and Holiday Time Management: Merrily Mastering the Moment

For many professionals, managing projects through the holidays is a challenge – keeping clients happy, keeping production running, while also caring for your team and your family is tough. Here are some tips for managing competing demands:

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Using Procrastination: A Time Management Tool During the Holidays

Let’s face it – most of us have a unique talent for procrastination! Instead of that difficult report, we work on email. Instead of having that difficult conversation, we call a friend. Instead of working on that status report, we do laundry or online shopping.

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Entering the Holiday with Energy and Eagerness: Managing Time Through the Holidays

Many people are approaching the end of 2021 with a sense that a New Normal may be emerging. Kids are back in school, families are gathering again, and businesses are settling into new telework and remote work patterns. At the same time, many are experiencing stress and challenges at work in managing supply chain challenges, and customers are finding that holiday shopping costs more and takes more time.

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The Irony of True Engagement: Stretching Hurts!

Different employees want different developmental opportunities. Some prefer the stability of a long-term dedicated role; others want to be stretched to grow and learn something new. Some may see new opportunities as the organization just continuing to raise the stakes; others may seek that challenge.

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Employee Retention – Making the Case for Staying

With rapid shifts in the economy and business landscape, retaining current employees feels like an important mandate.  Employee retention is certainly vital for operations and continuity. 

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Employee Engagement and Retention in Changing Times

The news is tough these days for organizational managers!  They need to redefine the workplace for a more virtual remote workforce; they face daily supply chain uncertainties and constraints; and turnover seems to be at an all-time high.

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Why Clear Communication in Customer Service is Essential to Business

Communication is essential for most human-to-human interactions, and customer service is a key example of these interactions.  Effective customer service involves “reading” the other person, gathering information, and responding to those needs.

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Learn from Customers in Challenging Times

Learn from Customers in Challenging Times

The pandemic has fundamentally changed many businesses, and the expectations and needs of many customers. How can a business learn from and use these changes to improve customer service?

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Customer Service: Managing Bad Customers

Recent news stories have described the challenges that many customer service professionals face in today’s environment.  These stories capture customer impatience with understaffed businesses, objections to public health guidance and irritation about missing items due to supply chain shortages.

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Systematic Workplace Safety: Asking Who and When?

Preparedness takes different forms and needs different tools depending on who is impacted and when.  Here are two scales to consider:

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