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Workplace Safety in a Remote Work World

There has been a significant shift towards work-at-home arrangements over the past couple of years, and many see the remote workplace as a permanent feature in the future.  For organizations, this is a good time to think about new workplace safety needs in this virtual environment

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Bridging Work and Life – Eight General Tips for Preparedness

For National Preparedness Month, it is useful to assess your readiness for an emergency.  If you were notified you had to leave your home within the hour, what would you do and what would you regret not having in place? 

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Setting the Tone or Setting the Direction?

There is a tough balance between authentic leadership and situational leadership.  We ask leaders to be true to who they are, while also asking them to adjust their approach to fit the situation or person at hand.

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Leading Teams to Success: When Styles Clash

We recently worked with an organization with two important teams. One was an “operations team,” focused on basic case management—where consistency and steady thruput were important success factors. 

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Leadership in an Uncertain World

Leaders and managers are responsible for leading teams to success—but what does that look like in these uncertain times?  In some parts of the country, leaders are navigating the realities of returning to the office after long-term telework.

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Igniting Social Media: When Things Blow Up

Engaging on social media is a choice. If your organization chooses to be active on social media sites, though, it makes it harder to ignore bad news. In short, you need a plan for when things blow up

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Tips for Employee Engagement on Social Media

Done strategically and thoughtfully, social media engagement can be a valuable addition to an organization’s communications toolbox.  You also have employees, who can either expand your positive impact or get you in trouble.  In this article, we discuss tips for helping to manage your employee’s presence on social media. Develop…
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Igniting Your Social Media Presence: Keeping the Flame Alive

Organizational success with social media requires an interesting blend of immediate actions and long-term management. Organizations need to ignite engagement through quick responses, while also having long-term governance strategies to manage that engagement over time. In this post, we introduce the elements of social media governance most needed for success.…
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After the Performance Review: Preparing for the Year Ahead

 At their best, performance reviews should be the start of a two-way dialogue that will last the entire year. Here are some tips: Acknowledge that the performance review — while important — is a moment in time over the course of a year. One conversation is unlikely to change the…
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Staying Present in a Performance Review – Key Tips

Even with effective planning, performance reviews can take many turns during the conversation.  Here are some common patterns that can occur in the conversation, and ways to keep things on track and focused on outcomes. Start with identifying projects or tasks that were key areas of focus for the year.…
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