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Respecting Diversity in a Time of Telework
A client shared an interesting story about a recent experience related to disability awareness and telework. First, some background. The organization has been working well remotely for several months. Because the team has a good understanding of diversity principles, it follows the following ground rules: It is a cultural norm…
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Developing Your Leadership Skills in Diversity and Inclusion
As cultural dynamics change in an organization, it is important for leaders to continue their own development and training. As a training category, “Diversity and Inclusion” is an important set of both principles and skills, and covers a wide range of topics, including: Generational Differences Unconscious Bias Workplace Culture Cultural…
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Building Inclusiveness: One Conversation at a Time
We are marking Black History Month at a unique time in our history. Political upheaval and conflict, increasing COVID-19 case counts and the national changes that come with a new Administration draw our attention outward to watch the news and check in on family and friends. Marking a diversity holiday…
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Microsoft® Excel® – Getting Help
Like many software tools, Microsoft® Excel® has a LOT more functionality than most people need for most standard assignments. Consistent with the 80/20 rule, which holds that 80% of the results flow from 20% of the work, most people really only need 20% of the functionality of a tool for…
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When to Use Microsoft® Excel® for Text Products
Microsoft® does a good job of creating different software for different core business functions, however, there can be some overlap between tools. For example, we often select Microsoft® Word for text-heavy documents with tables, but there are times when Excel® may be your best starting point. Here are examples of…
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Preparing Final Products using Microsoft® Excel®
Many of today’s desktop applications are designed to show the final formatting on the screen as you work on the product. For example, in Microsoft® Word, as long as you view the document in “Print Layout” as you are typing, you will generally see on the screen what you can…
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Keeping the Holidays Happy: Connecting with Stakeholders
In times of stress and uncertainty, it can be tempting to focus internally to protect your team and reduce risk. For project managers, though, the end of the year provides a good opportunity to look outward to check-in and connect with your project stakeholders. Pryor Learning’s “Project Management Fundamentals” training…
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Leading Through the Holidays: Project Management Tips
For many, end-of-year work parties will look a little different this year. With many employees teleworking more often, and with many practicing social distancing, crowded office parties or project team lunches are unlikely for many. As a Project Manager, you can still find ways to make the holidays special. Here…
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End-of-Year Check-in: Managing Projects Through the Holidays
We are fast approaching the end of the year – when you wake up on January 1, what projects do you want to feel most proud of? Let’s walk through some steps to set your end-of-year project management efforts up for success! Pryor’s “Project Management Fundamentals” training series gives you…
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Gearing Up for Goals: Managing Energy Gains and Drains
Setting and achieving goals is easier when we are energized and focused. Understanding what leads us to gain and drain energy can help us better define and work towards our goals. Consider the following questions, from Pryor Learning’s Effective Goal-Setting and Planning Skills seminar. How do you gain energy? Write…
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