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Discover the Best Mentoring Plan
Abigail Adams once wrote, “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” If you are involved in a mentor/mentee relationship, you already know the importance of creating a plan for career growth and development. And you know that goals are…
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Super-cali-OSHA-listic-expi-ali-docious: A Safety Song
In 1964, Mary Poppins hit the theaters, and the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was born. To commemorate it’s return to theaters, let’s have some fun with Pryor’s rendition of Super-cali-OSHA-listic-expi-ali-docious! ♫ When noise is loud, and all you hear is danger all around, Then drop those decibels, and safety soon shall…
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OSHA Ergonomics
In my former career as a facilities manager I was tasked with overseeing all of our OSHA compliance. We were a small company of forty-five employees primarily all office/desk workers. A few months after we moved into a newly built facility with all new furniture (chairs, articulating keyboard trays, etc.),…
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Four Activities to Build a Safety Culture
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a mission to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women, by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance ( Making sure those standards are met, of course, is up to your organization. While…
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Motivational States: Understand and Shape Employee Motivation
It’s hard to measure employee motivation in the workplace. Different people are motivated by different things at different times. Given this changeability, how do we create a motivational strategy that will benefit the entire organization? A psychological tool called Reversal Theory can help. This theory provides a list of eight…
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Seven Simple Actions that Build Employee Motivation
Thoughtfully motivating employees requires focused energy and a diverse set of motivational strategies and tools. There are also simple activities that can support employee motivation. Here’s a list of opportunities to motivate others. Commit to them, and you will see positive outcomes in both the short and long term. Say…
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Building a Customer Centric Organization
What does it mean to be a customer-centric organization? A great first step is defining who the customers are, and what their goals are. For staff members with direct contact with customers, such as those providing retail customer service or responding to inbound customer inquiries, defining the customer is often…
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Seven Questions to Ask to Restore Work-Life Balance
Maintaining consistent employee work-life balance can be a daily challenge for many. Here are seven questions to ask if your work-life balance is getting out of order: Who really needs this and when? When considering which tasks to tackle, objectively evaluate the audience and the timing. Take on the high…
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Embracing Life Enhances Work: The Benefits of Work-Life Balance
Let’s look at a real-life example addressing the importance of work-life balance. Recently, a high-performing employee — Nina — came to my office for a coaching session. Nina had recently been given a high-visibility project to manage. She was doing well, so our sessions were usually future-focused and optimistic. That…
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The ABC’s of Active Listening
Let’s face it, listening is hard. We have ideas we want to share. We’ve thought this through and we know what to do. New ideas will slow us down. We need to end this meeting! And yet, most communication and leadership classes include active listening as an essential skill for…
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