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Master Your Messy Workspace with These Desk Organization Ideas
David sighed. He read it was time for “national clean off your desk day,” and was preparing for the usual gibes from his office mates about how he badly needed to embrace the concept of work office organization. “The problem is,” David confided in me, “is that I NEED all…
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Dealing with Your Desk: Harnessing Your Habits
Organizing your desk is a deeply personal activity. How you interact with your work office reflects how you interact with the world around you, so understanding those interactions can help you make meaningful changes to increase productivity. Are you someone who prefers to engage with the electronic world to communicate,…
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Linking Human Resource and Business Metrics
Many organizations maintain department-specific metrics and dashboards to track their success. True organizational integration and performance demands that departments work together to identify the metrics that cross boundaries for greater success. Here are three examples of how HR metrics and analytics can be integrated with business measures to assess human…
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Rating Recruitment: Human Resource Metrics
Recruiting is usually a core activity in Human Resources (HR) Departments, and developing meaningful recruitment metrics can help HR clearly and succinctly communicate its success in this area. Here are some examples of HR delivery metrics specifically related to recruiting, and why they are important. Number of applicants per position: Knowing…
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Quick Tips for Human Resource (HR) Dashboards
Everyone loves dashboards, and the modern automobile has seduced us into thinking they are easy to build and maintain. The real world, however, is more complex. Here are some factors to consider when selecting and constructing a dashboard for your organization. Data Availability. Dashboards rely and report on underlying data.…
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A Work-Life Balance Questionnaire
For many, work-life balance is an elusive concept, and achieving that balance is never quite static enough to call it a success. To help you step back and reflect on your work-life balance over time, here is a mini-questionnaire to assess and analyze your work-life balance needs and action plan.…
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Strategies for Work-Life Balance: Integrating Worlds
Too often, work-life balance is positioned as the balance of two different and separate worlds – opposite ends of a seesaw, where increasing one must decrease the other. What if we instead invited these worlds to interact and overlap? Here are three strategies for connecting our worlds, and the benefits…
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Quick Tips for Maintaining Work-Life Balance
Is your work-life balance a bit lopsided? Are work demands keeping you from being at your best with family, or is your work performance suffering because of life circumstances or repeated emergencies? While we often talk about work-life balance in terms of making sure we protect family life in the…
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What Is Agile Leadership? Core Agile Principles
The dictionary defines “agile” as, “able to move quickly and easily.” Effective agile leaders exercise this definition at organizations every day. For leaders, new to this approach, let’s look at some key principles: Incremental delivery of usable product – Part of moving quickly is developing products or services quickly, and…
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Agile Leadership: Playing to Your Strengths
The “Agile Manifesto” was published more than a decade ago, but agile leadership is here to stay. Originally designed to help leaders create better software, the manifesto emphasizes the importance of individuals and interactions, working products developed in an iterative approach, customer collaboration and responding to change (Agile Manifesto, 2001).…
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