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How to Create a Leadership Development Program for your Business
The Leadership Development Factbook 2014: Benchmarks and Trends in U.S. Leadership Development, produced for Bersin by Deloitte reveals that Leadership continues to be the number one Human Capital concern for businesses[1]. As organizations struggle with leadership gaps at all management levels, the report shows businesses responding with more leadership development…
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Personal Leadership Development Plan
You do what you plan. All of us, whether in business or everyday life, are more likely to accomplish a task if we first create a plan. Leadership and personal development coach, Michael Hyatt, shares that writing down those goals helps you clarify your intentions, motivates you to take action…
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How to Develop Your Leadership Skills
Anyone who has worked for an organization can easily describe what they like and dislike about the leaders they encounter. However, turning those observations into the skills you need to become a good leader yourself can be much more difficult. For example, you admire your boss because she clearly communicates…
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Create a Date or Time Chart in Excel with XY-Scatter Charts
When you have data that involves time information, you may need some special tricks to get Excel to help you create useful charts. Here are some tips for editing time and date data in an Excel chart. These features apply to Excel 2007-2013, though the specific steps will vary based…
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Learn about the Excel Find Formula
Sometimes getting valuable or actionable information out of your data is a bit like going on a treasure hunt: You spend a lot of time solving puzzles and putting together a "map" of formulas that will hopefully lead you to the goldmine of information hidden inside. The FIND function, and…
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How to Remove Spaces in Excel Data
Does this sound familiar? You are searching for data that you know you've entered, but a query for Joe Smith simply doesn't return any results. Or, how about – you are trying to add up two columns of numbers, but you keep getting errors. Often, these issues are caused by…
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Use Excel Data Forms to Simplify Data Entry
Spreadsheets are valuable tools for organizing, manipulating, and analyzing data. But first you have to enter the data. This can be the least fun part of building a spreadsheet, especially if you have many columns of information that scroll horizontally off the screen. It can also be easy to introduce…
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The Importance of Business Communication for Your Organization
Companies understand that internal communication is important to their business operations. Still, many fail to implement deliberate internal communication programs that address broader corporate needs such as revenue goals, brand consistency and company values. As a result, middle managers, co-workers, media, friends and outside organizations determine what messages employees receive.…
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How to Improve Business Communication
The idea that “people work for people, not for a company” is even more relevant in today’s work environment than when it was conceived. Modern employees are more independent and demand more flexibility from their work environment. Teams are more geographically dispersed and more employees telecommute than in any other…
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Technology in Business Communication
The technology explosion of the past two decades has left businesses running catch-up. It’s easy for an individual to use a smart phone, but how does a large, or even not-so-large, organization leverage that convenience into business advantage? In some cases, communication technology has even harmed efficiencies by introducing tools…
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