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A Quick Guide to Excel Shortcuts
Integrating keyboard shortcuts into your daily routine saves you time and energy. We love finding new ways to avoid the mouse. For instance, you can edit a cell using the F2 key. Highlight the cell you want to edit. Then, press F2 and the cursor appears at the end of…
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Danger Zones That Can Trip Up Even the Most Seasoned HR Professional
Let's talk about "best practices" that can minimize the legal threat all HR professionals face – be they seasoned or beginning. Think consistency in enforcement. This is a tricky because we always think we are being consistent - we are not. Using checklists will help when you are hiring, giving performance…
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The Essentials of Employee Coaching, Counseling, and Discipline
Virtually all aspects of HR and management practices impact employee rights. Think hiring, performance appraisals, quality control, references or employment disciplinary actions taken. Providing proper coaching and advice to your supervisors and managers is essential. How would you answer the following questions? Can we install a security camera in the…
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Family and Medical Leave Act 2013 Update and New Regulations
While the Department of Labor's (DOL) new posting requirements for FMLA have taken effect, the updated regulatory changes apply mainly to FMLA provisions not often used by employees in the workplace. Lets highlight a few of the key issues with regard to the revisions: The new regulations require covered employers…
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Email Etiquette: Treat Emails Like Phone Calls
Getting your head around email etiquette is easy if you show the same courtesy and respect you would show if you were on the phone with them. Respond—If the phone rings, you answer it. If someone emails you, answer it Answer all questions—When you're talking to someone, you don't just…
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Five Steps for Dealing with Multiple Priorities
Lay the groundwork. Organize your workspace, especially your desk. Clutter breeds confusion, so get rid of objects (supplies, stacks of paper, toys, etc.). These things seem harmless, but they register in your peripheral vision and compete for your attention. Clarify instructions and standards so you don't waste time with trial and…
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Don’t Leave Workplace Safety to Chance!
Tips to identify and eliminate security gaps in the front desk area: Q. How can I keep our reception area welcoming and continue to limit security concerns? A. The front desk is the first line of defense for your company, but it is also must be arranged so it is welcoming to…
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The Power of Excel Array Formulas Part I
Use an array formula to create an IF statement that has two conditions
How to Become an Exceptional Listener
Dear Exceptional Listener, I think I am a great listener, but I have noticed I cannot recall most of what my coworker said about our big project. I had a lot to contribute to the conversation and related her ideas to a positive experience I had on our last successful…
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Saying “No” Without Guilty Feelings
Between the stress of work, family and home, the amount of projects you are juggling can seem endless. Whether it's joining the team on a new project at work, volunteering to coach a softball game or helping a neighbor with childcare, it can be overwhelming to be in ten places…
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