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Staying Safe and Fighting Stress
Safety comes in many forms, and we often think about our physical and emotional safety needs first. In today’s computer-driven world, cybersecurity – protecting our online identity and environment - is also imperative. We live in a digital age and our personal and business relationships are now often located online, in our email, social media, video chats, web browsing history and messages.
Customer Service Tips for Customers: Helping the Helpers Help You
In this article, we change the perspective, as many of our readers are also Black Friday shoppers and gift givers. This article provides some tips for enjoying the day and helping customer service specialists help you most effectively.
Customer Service Tips: Keeping Your Cool on Black Friday
Love them or dread them, the holidays are upon us and Black Friday seems to be the day that kicks it all off. Here are some factors that may make this year more difficult than some other years for customer service specialists:
4 Paste Special Tips and Tricks You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner
There’s a moment in everyone’s experience with Excel when you are both fairly comfortable using the tool and at the same time recognize just how much more there is to learn! This is often at the point where you want to take on a new task and realize that tools you need aren’t already in your toolbox.
Four Practical Ways to Celebrate Global Diversity Awareness Month
In a separate article, we focused on what Global Diversity Awareness month is and why and how organizations can use it to strategically initiate or reevaluate Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. In this article, we focus on concrete and practical activities that any team, organization or individual can implement to jumpstart this work and celebrate the month.
Building Global Diversity Awareness in Your Organization
There are many diversity-focused weeks and months throughout the year – many focusing on the uniqueness of a specific group or characteristic, or a different source of diversity. In October, we celebrate Global Diversity Awareness Month.
Why Excel Skills Are Important in the Job Market
If you are looking for a job, or hoping to move to a better one, you’re probably doing all the right things: Networking, updating your social presence on LinkedIn, honing your resume. But are you also improving your skills? And in particular, are your Excel skills where they need to be?
A Micro-Look at Microlearning: Designing a Learning Experience
Microlearning is training that delivers bite-sized pieces of information to learners. Together, several microlearning courses can be combined to create a larger training program – but each should be able to stand on its own as well.
What is Microlearning? Training in Less Time than a Coffee Break
National Coffee Day is in September, and the event raises an interesting question: What could you teach someone in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee? This is not just a theoretical question – for learning and development professionals, that question is at a heart of a new training approach: microlearning.
Top Excel Interview Questions to Prepare For
Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet tool in use today, so it is likely that you will answer at least some questions about this important program during interviews. This is true whether you are looking for work as a senior manager or an intern.