Tag: Communication
Creating a Customer-Facing Roadmap: A Strategic Guide for Business Success
Great Grammar: A Tool for Powerful Business Communications
Let’s face it: grammar might not set your heart racing, but it’s a fundamental tool in the world of business communication. Every now and then, it’s worth dusting off those grammar skills and getting back to basics.
Effective Business Communications from the Inside Out
With today’s focus on social media – quick posts on LinkedIn, photos on videos, videos on TikTok – it can feel like there is no role for traditional writing as a form of business communications. Not true! Writing remains critical for internal and external audiences, as a way to communicate essential information in a way that others can access and use.
Finding Work-Life Balance, Passion and Peace
There are lots of strategies and tips out there for finding work-life balance: Set Boundaries! Just Say No! Set Priorities! Take Breaks! These tips are grounded in good intentions and hold some gold on their own but may also sidestep the deeper questions that cause the best work-life balance action plans to fail. Here are some different ways of reframing the work-life balance equation to create change from within.
Communication Styles: Starting with Self, Connecting with Others
There are many factors to consider when thinking about communication – the audience, content, tone and place and time. These all begin and end with how individuals express themselves when interacting with others: called your communication style.
Communication Styles: Setting the Foundations for Choice
Communication serves as the lifeblood of our social interactions. As social beings, understanding and adjusting to diverse communication styles are essential to fostering satisfaction and finding success in our personal and professional relationships.
Factors in Designing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Program
Organizations continue to recognize the benefits of a diverse team: broader talent pools, deeper dialogue, more holistic views of the customer perspective, and more complete decision-making. To better define and implement diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, organizations are conducting assessments, bringing in training and implementing changes on both systemic and personal levels.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Living Mindfully
Organizations around the country are introducing formal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs to harness the power of difference and mutual respect in organizations. However, making these DEI programs real comes down to real people communicating and working with each other every day: with peers, supervisors, teams, customers and colleagues.
Leading Yourself and Respecting Others Into the New Year
Good leaders and managers know you can’t lead others until you know and can effectively lead yourself. Understanding your own strengths and development needs helps you both respect yourself, and lead others. This article focuses both on leadership and developing a culture of respect as we close out the year and look towards new beginnings.