Tag: Communication
Preparing for Pirates: Communicating Through Conflict
Each September, “Talk Like a Pirate Day” celebrates the light-hearted side of piracy—the rolling letter “rrrr’s,” the merry drinks and the adventures of life at sea. In real life, though, we occasionally run into the more traditional pirate–the one that is ready to board your boat and take your treasure…
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“Ahoy, me hearties!” Communicating with Pirates
While not likely on your official work calendar, September 19th is “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so let’s get ready to celebrate! The holiday is whimsical and informal, celebrating a positive pop-culture vision of pirates and their unique language conventions and practices. The holiday also reminds us that to get…
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Gracious Response – How to Receive Performance Feedback
You probably know one or more people who do not take kindly to receiving feedback on what they can do better. Maybe you’re one of those. Take heart—most of us are! Many people do not like the idea of being told what they’re not doing well. It’s like someone saying…
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How to Improve Emotional Intelligence
If you want to know how to improve your skill at shooting hoops or playing the guitar, you practice. If you want to learn more about how to use Microsoft® Excel®, you take a class and complete examples that help you with your tasks. Can you improve your social, interpersonal…
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Developing Emotional Intelligence
As a business leader, you are constantly looking for ways to improve yourself. You take courses and read the top business publications to increase your knowledge. You stay abreast of technological advancements in your industry and look for ways to improve your communication and presentation skills. However, what if someone…
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Technology in Business Communication
The technology explosion of the past two decades has left businesses running catch-up. It’s easy for an individual to use a smart phone, but how does a large, or even not-so-large, organization leverage that convenience into business advantage? In some cases, communication technology has even harmed efficiencies by introducing tools…
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