Tag: Excel

How to Unlock Specific Cells in Excel

When using a shared document you may only want to allow specific cells to be changed. Here are some steps to help you keep certain cells unlocked while the rest of the document is protected. Step 1: Select the cell(s) you would like to leave unlocked. Step 2: Go to…
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Using the Excel Pivot Table Grouping by Month to View Data Differently

PivotTables have some useful "hidden" features that can make interpreting your data even easier. One such feature allows you to view data by date groupings (such as month, quarter, even week and hour of day). By grouping within the PivotTable itself, you avoid constantly changing your source data and creating…
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Excel 2013: How to Create a PivotTable from Multiple Sheets

Once you become a PivotTable fan, you will start to see lots of uses for this powerful analysis tool. But what can you do when the data you want to use is in separate tables in multiple sheets across your workbook? Excel 2013 introduced a method – called the Data…
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How to Add Calculated Fields to a PivotTable in Excel

PivotTables are great tools for grouping, summarizing and totaling information from raw data. Once you have created a table, then you are ready to get even more out of your information by using the summarized data in additional formulas or calculations. The way Excel does this is through Calculated Fields.…
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Searching for Data in Excel

Are you looking for the "peanut butter and chocolate" of workplace efficiency: how to combine the power of Macros with the convenience of search? As of Office 2013, Excel does not provide an easy way to include a variable search term in the execution of a series of tasks recorded…
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