Many young professionals would like to become managers and leaders as they grow in their careers. But how do you start? Many junior level staff are looking for ways to breakthrough to the next level of supervision or management. This article talks about how to make this jump.
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When talking about leading a team, many focus on long-term intact teams. These may be organizational support teams, sales teams or service teams – regardless of mission, they are designed to stay together for a long time.
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Let’s be clear: teamwork is really hard. For every blog article proclaiming how beneficial teamwork is, there is a manager struggling to make it happen in the real world. In this article, we’ll look at five critical steps that help these managers lead a team to success.
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Successful teams generally have a successful leader–either out front or behind the scenes–guiding the way. If you lead a team, here’s a quick assessment to reflect on how you are doing: Strengths – What strengths do you have in leading the team? How are these strengths reflected in the team’s…
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When talking about team building, much attention is given to long-term teams instead of temporary teams. Long-term teams are typically required when they fulfill the main functions of your organization, such as sales teams, health and safety teams, employee motivation teams, etc. Such teams are consistent fixtures within your organization.…
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Every team needs a break! Over time, people have grown comfortable with increased remote and virtual work–adjusting business practices and interactions to complete work at a distance. It is also worth taking some time to build in some team level breaks and opportunities for social connection. Here are five great…
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Avast, me hearties, and listen well! In the lighthearted spirit of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, let’s envision the romanticized version of these rapscallions of the sea and reflect on their positive qualities. After all, pirate captains had to have masterful communication and leadership skills to steer a band…
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Many managers are interested in realizing the benefits of team building, but aren’t sure where to start in selecting team building activities. Here are some questions to ask when selecting effective activities for your team: Is there a clear learning point? Effective teambuilding activities are designed to highlight and develop…
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Much is said about the benefits of team-building, but how do we do it in a way that doesn’t just feel like adult games at work? First, it is important to have a “why” behind the games—a larger learning point or goal that adults can get behind. Here’s an example.…
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The best team-building exercises have a goal or purpose— one goal may be to provide a shared structured experience that allows team members to get to know each other better. Here are some ideas for team-building exercises that tend to achieve better team camaraderie. While this may take some planning,…
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