Discover proven tips and solid solutions to steer clear of high accident rates, high health insurance premiums, and scrutiny from OSHA inspectors
This insightful program provides you and your organization with proven tips and solid solutions to steer clear of high accident rates, high health insurance premiums and scrutiny from OSHA inspectors — which could result in hefty fines and consequences if infractions are found.
Don't hope you're in compliance … know you are, and be ready when OSHA inspectors come calling! This informative program prepares you by covering:
- The distinctions in OSHA regulations between reporting, documentation, and record keeping
- How to determine if your organization is covered by OSHA's record-keeping requirements or if you are exempt
- How to maintain forms 300, 300A, and 301 in accordance with OSHA's rules
- Which injuries and illnesses are required to be recorded under OSHA regulations
- OSHA records retention requirements — what you need to know
OSHA Records Retention covers the latest record-keeping practices, discusses how to maintain records in accordance with OSHA's current standards, and presents the solid documentation that OSHA demands. Don't wait another day to gain the knowledge and know-how to ensure your record-keeping practices are in complete compliance with OSHA standards.
It is imperative that your organization keeps employees safe in the workplace with correct documentation and comprehensive records. Are you confident that your organization is protected from potential penalties, costly fines, and legal action?