Business Writing for Results

Writing techniques for everyday business communications

1-Day Seminar


Credits – 

CEU: 0.6 |  

CPE: 6 |  

PDU: 6  

See immediate improvement in every writing project!

  • No more missed deadlines! Learn professional writing techniques to help you overcome writer's block and complete every writing project faster and easier.
  • Get support and approval for your ideas with proposals, letters and memos that inform and persuade your reader.
  • Use surefire tips for writing tough assignments — "bad news" memos, complaint letters, memos to top management and more.
  • Discover professional writing strategies that help you tackle even the most complex writing projects with ease.
  • Ways AI tools help when writer's block hits
  • Use AI to kickstart your writing process and generate drafts immediately

You might think that writing is a talent that a few lucky people are born with. Sure, it comes more naturally to some, but don't buy into the myth that only certain people can write. If you've always told yourself — and others — that you just don't have a gift for writing, it's time to dispel that notion!

You can produce clear, sharp, effective copy — it's just a matter of learning a basic set of writing skills. Attend this business writing training and you'll learn, step-by-step, how to shape your thoughts and organize your words. Forget about stuffy grammatical rules that are complicated and hard to remember. This seminar focuses on day-to-day writing, bringing you up to speed with skills that will be useful to you for the rest of your life.

Business Writing for Results - A Business Writing Seminar Course

Writing techniques for everyday business communications

You can produce clear, sharp, effective copy — it's just a matter of learning a basic set of writing skills. Attend Business Writing For Results, and you'll learn, step-by-step, how to shape your thoughts and organize your words. This seminar focuses on day-to-day writing, bringing you up to speed with skills that will be useful to you every day for the rest of your life.

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Your Writing Style

    How to develop a crisp, readable style that works for you.

  • Discover the surprisingly easy key to clear, powerful business writing.
  • Follow six simple rules to guarantee clarity and simplicity in any kind of written document.
  • Get rid of jargon and avoid pompous language that muddles your message.
  • Learn how to identify your document’s key words and repeat them for greater impact.
  • Use lists and headings to maximize reader comprehension.
  • Identify and eliminate pretentious, wordy sentences — and make every document clear and reader friendly.
  • Master professional writers’ tactics to weed out wordiness and cut out “deadwood” language.
  • Pinpoint redundant phrases that obscure your message and confuse readers.
  • Banish “habitual offenders” — clichés and trite phrases that can creep into your writing and dilute your impact.
  • Is vagueness reducing your effectiveness? Prevent confusion with expert ways to spot and correct language “vacuums.”
  • Know the 40 words and phrases you should never use in business writing.
  • Writing tone: Learn exactly what it is, and evaluate the tone you should strive for in your written communications.
  • Glide easily between paragraphs, sentences and ideas with a handy list of transition words and phrases.
  • Understand the difference between the active and passive voice, and why voice is one of the most essential elements in business writing.
  • Learn how a simple rearrangement of your words will lead to a more direct, understandable style.
  • Choose the best word for the job: Use professional tips to select words that appeal to the reader.
  • Discover how using action verbs can make every document you write come to life.

Focusing on the Reader

    How to ensure your writing is read, remembered, taken seriously and acted on.

  • Identify your specific objective and ensure it doesn’t get lost in the writing process.
  • Appeal to the reader’s needs; discover powerful persuasion techniques and develop the ability to sell anything on paper.
  • Learn innovative practices that give your writing a “you” orientation — and get action and results every time.
  • Use an indispensable table to identify the five audience types, and write a tailor-made document that really gets attention.
  • Master four practical approaches to writing documents that appeal to readers of varied backgrounds and interests.
  • Follow a simple, three-step blueprint to help you anticipate reaction to your writing.

Organizing the Information

    How to move from planning to a finished document – easily, logically and painlessly.

  • The first word is always the hardest: Overcome writing fears leading to delay and procrastination.
  • Go from start to finish with a five-phase plan to help you complete any writing project with greater ease — from short memos to complex proposals.
  • Distribute the writing task and effectively tackle even the hardest-to-face projects.
  • Develop a good outline the fast, easy way — and save time on writing and rewriting.
  • Learn four simple hints to help you write a first draft freely and naturally, without getting sidetracked.
  • Discover six steps you can take to avoid complicated and time-consuming rewrites.
  • Master four sensible approaches that will ensure you write logically and clearly, whatever your objectives or audience.

Effective Emails, Memos and Letters

    How to inform, persuade and get results from every piece of correspondence you write.

  • Use a four-part quick assessment to evaluate your memos as key readers might.
  • Learn the four characteristics of every effective email — and pinpoint your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Implement four practical suggestions for memo content and format to make all of your memos informative, readable and clear.
  • Start with attention-getting openings to your correspondence — 11 ways to draw readers in and build rapport instantly.
  • End your correspondence with strong closings and get the action and results you want.
  • Craft effective goodwill letters to impress people, open doors and create opportunities.
  • Write a complaint letter to get the results you want — without anger, browbeating or intimidation tactics.
  • Know how to convey bad news: Compose tactful bad news letters using a positive, professional tone.
  • Discover four key ingredients in sales letters that really do sell.
  • Learn and employ 13 positive trigger words and sell anything more effectively in writing.
  • Use a simplified one-page Letter Planner enabling you to write every letter faster, more efficiently and much more effectively.

Professional Reports and Proposals

    How to write reports that get attention – and action – for your ideas and recommendations.

  • Break reports down into eight basic building blocks and handle even the most complex reports with greater ease.
  • Pinpoint the specific information managers want from reports — about problems, new projects and ideas, experiments and tests and other subjects.
  • Report planning made easy: Use a concise, one-page form to organize your report quickly and efficiently.
  • Avoid the Essay Syndrome: sure ways to eliminate stiff, boring prose and long-winded language from your reports.
  • Learn the 10 most common report-writing failures — easily prevented once you know what they are.

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