Evelyn Wood - Read Faster, Remember More

Speed reading, vocabulary and memory skills

Half-Day Seminar

According to Indeed, the average person can read between 200-250 words per minute, while the ability to speed read greatly increases this number. What does this mean for you and your organization? Not only can speed reading help manage your schedule and increase productivity, but it also helps sort through information to make understanding and comprehension less overwhelming.

This half-day course provides the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills as you learn to read faster, while comprehending and remembering more. Information is everywhere and technology has contributed to the overwhelming amount of information available. As business professionals, the ability to sift through all information by reading faster and remembering more enhances our ability to make better decisions, manage our time and contributes to success at work.

Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics® offers an indispensable seminar for all businesspeople. Learn different speed reading techniques, improve your cognitive flexibility and benefit from increased memory and comprehension skills. This course offers the tools to sharpen your reading skills and make you a more dynamic leader and learner.

Evelyn Wood—Read Faster, Remember More

Speed reading, vocabulary and memory skills

This half-day course provides the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills as you learn to read faster, while comprehending and remembering more. Information is everywhere and technology has contributed to the overwhelming amount of information available.

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What Is Speed Reading?

  • Explore your experience with speed reading...what you may or may not realize.
  • Discover how you measure speed reading.

Evelyn Wood Speed Reading: Four Basics Concepts

  • Learn how four basic ideas can eliminate your old reading habits and move you toward highly efficient visual reading.
  • Eliminate line reading and see the big picture in everything you read.

Increase Your Reading Speed

  • Practice using a pacer as a vital reading tool. Learn the basic motions to help you keep your place and pace.
  • Discover how natural "speed readers" cover material two to three times faster than the average reader.
  • Find out how subvocalization impairs your reading speed and comprehension.

Improve Memory Recall

  • Improve your recall from the information you've read.
  • Discover how to preview material and commit it to memory.

Everyone on information overload, including: administrative assistants, customer service representatives, sales and marketing staff, managers and supervisors, directors, vice presidents, CEOs and CFOs.

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