Management Skills for Secretaries, Support Staff & Admin. Assistants

Learn to make decisions with confidence, and manage people, projects and time effectively

1-Day Seminar

The next time your boss says, "Handle it …" will you be ready?

Do you feel 100% confident managing projects, people, and situations independently? It's a fact: If you want to be an "exceptional assistant" — a fully contributing member of your team — you need good management skills to survive and thrive. You need skills like project management techniques … the ability to negotiate well … decision-making acumen … and the ability to manage change, plus many other skills you might think only managers need.

In this exciting, one-day seminar, you'll learn the powerful tricks of the management trade — high-impact approaches that will give you the power and knowledge to "handle your administrative assistant duties with confidence."

In this secretary training, you'll master planning and scheduling solutions that give you more control over your time and energy. Not only will you be able to take on special projects, you'll do it without missing a beat in your everyday tasks and daily routine.

Make decisions, manage change, solve problems, negotiate what you need — watch problems dissolve and roadblocks fall as you use the time-tested management skills you'll acquire. You'll take advantage of the same methods used by the most powerful, effective managers!

Should you attend this seminar?

Would you and your employer benefit if you could …

  • Handle people and projects independently, with minimal supervision from your boss?
  • Manage the smallest to largest projects with the skill of a professional project manager?
  • Make decisions confidently and be proud of taking the right course of action?
  • Neutralize the tough personality types that make your day miserable?
  • Negotiate win-win agreements inside and outside your company?
  • Formulate a plan for today, this week, even months ahead … that ensures you won't fall behind on your most important objectives?
  • Build an alliance that would make you and your boss the most enviable team in your organization?
If you've answered YES … this management skills seminar is tailor-made for you!
Management Skills for Administrative Assistants, and Support Staff

Learn to make decisions with confidence, and manage people, projects and time effectively

In this exciting, one-day seminar, you'll learn the powerful tricks of the management trade — high-impact approaches that will give you the confidence, power, and knowledge to "handle it." Learn to make decisions, negotiate what you need, and watch problems dissolve as you use the time-tested management skills you’ll acquire.

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The Assistant as Manager

  • Why your role is changing, and why more is expected from you: Learn how to incorporate personal and professional growth into your job
  • Your plan for taking more responsibility: how to devise a short- and long-term strategy with your manager, and how to make this meeting happen!
  • Assessing your readiness for added responsibility: You may surprise yourself with our illuminating self-test!

Planning and Scheduling

  • How to stay one step ahead — you'll get things done before you're asked and avoid stressful "crisis" situations
  • Planning particulars: the who, what, when, where and how of indispensable work plans. Step by easy step, we'll show you how!
  • Identifying and clarifying your priorities: Know what to do when dozens of people and tasks demand your attention
  • Merging your priorities with your manager's: Travel on the same track, and get more done!


  • Working with suppliers and vendors: a four-step plan that enhances your purchasing effectiveness and improves the customer-supplier relationship!
  • How to face off with people who are unwilling to compromise (and still exceed your targets!)
  • Win-win negotiating: what it really means, and how to achieve it — consistently and easily

Managing, Motivating and Leading People

  • Leading when you're not in a position of authority: straightforward approaches that win the support and respect of key people
  • Why people want to work with leaders … and why they hate being pushed. We'll show you the critical difference!
  • What to do when your boss gives you authority but your coworkers don't accept it
  • What really motivates people? You'll be surprised at how many innovative ways you can encourage people and generate excitement
  • Fantastic feedback techniques: how to build "feedback loops" with coworkers and managers that keep you well-informed
  • Getting things done through others: how to delegate tasks and ensure they're done right

Presentation and Communication Skills: Getting Your Point Across

  • "Total communication": how to build an extensive, powerful communication "network" throughout your organization. (You'll always be "in the know!")
  • Strategies for power persuasion: how to get your point across, win support and get people on your "bandwagon."
  • Be more than just an observer at meetings! Discover eight specific actions that help you contribute more in meetings and get more out of them
  • Mastering the art of presentations: time-tested tools to influence and motivate groups, individuals — anyone!

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

  • Should you "take the initiative"? When to bring a decision to your boss, and when to handle it yourself
  • A good decision now is better than a great decision later! Find out how to attack "decision fear" in yourself and others
  • Get to the bottom of any problem: a step-by-step technique to "decipher" baffling dilemmas (even complicated, long-standing problems)!
  • When you can't solve a problem alone: a six-point procedure for successful group problem-solving

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