Why Diversity Matters and How to Recognize and Overcome Unconscious Bias

Half-Day Seminar


We are all impacted by unconscious bias. Everyone has their own learned stereotypes that are often automatic and unintentional, yet deeply ingrained within our beliefs. These biases can either intentionally or unintentionally affect our behavior and decision-making. When left unchecked, unconscious biases can affect workplace decisions and how we interact and treat one another. Join us for this 3-hour interactive seminar for individuals and teams, direct reports and management, as well as HR executives and business owners a like. Learn what unconscious bias is, how to recognize its role in the decision-making process and how to overcome unconscious bias both in your professional and personal life.

Biased decisions can negatively impact an organization’s ability to recruit and retain a diverse workforce. And in some cases, it can lead to discriminatory behavior. Fortunately, when we proactively acknowledge and understand our personal and unconscious biases, we can avoid acting upon them and make better, more informed and equitable decisions.

Why Diversity Matters and How to Recognize & Overcome Unconscious Bias

We are all impacted by unconscious bias. Everyone has their own learned stereotypes that are often automatic and unintentional, yet deeply engrained within our beliefs.

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  • How biases are formed in the brain.
  • Strategies to become more aware of your own personal biases.
  • Techniques to overcome unconscious bias.
  • Ways to prevent unconscious bias from affecting work decisions.
  • The twelve common instances of unconscious bias.
  • How unconscious biases can lead to discrimination.
  • Tips to examine biases to weaken their influence.
  • Four essential competencies needed to reduce and eliminate unconscious bias.

Everyone. Employees, managers, directors and project leaders, regional and area managers, directors and vice-presidents, HR managers, supervisors and their teams.

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