Solve problems and create opportunities
You know the old saying — "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." If you want to break out of your "business-as-usual rut" and power up your strategizing, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, look no further! This exciting program will teach you to look at problems with an open mind, flex your creative muscle, and develop an aptitude for thinking outside the cubicle! Instead of being stuck with the same old results, you'll be thrilled with new ideas, an innovative approach to problem solving, and a new set of skills for developing strategies that generate results!
Learn to think to the beat of a different drum!
This course will help you jump-start your creative mojo and get your mind moving in entirely new directions. Often, the thorniest problems present the greatest opportunities … if you can learn to overcome the mental stumbling blocks and negative thoughts that hamper your progress. This program will teach you to:
- Move beyond traditional thinking patterns and behaviors
- Practice seven motivational steps for seeking and implementing solutions
- Utilize two major approaches to successful problem solving
- Avoid five myths that dampen creativity and innovation in the workplace
- Analyze and adjust your personal decision-making style for optimum results
- Present and sell creative ideas in a technical world
Boost your creative output and hone your strategic thinking abilities!
One day of powerful, results-focused training is all it takes! We've developed this course based on the very latest research in adult learning techniques as they relate to creativity in the workplace. As a result, this course is jam-packed with idea-generators, exercises, scenarios, guidelines, and action steps to help you learn to be more creative. There's nothing mysterious about creative thinking — once you master the skills we'll teach you in this breakthrough workshop, you'll be able to hit the ground running and tap into your own personal creative power!

Solve problems and create opportunities
If you want to break out of your "business-as-usual rut" and power up your strategizing, problem-solving and decision-making skills, look no further! This exciting program will teach you to look at problems with an open mind, flex your creative muscle and develop an aptitude for thinking outside the cubicle! Instead of being stuck with the same old results, you'll be thrilled with new ideas, an innovative approach to problem solving and a new set of skills for developing strategies that generate results!
Download BrochureFirst Things First: Own and Define the Problem
- Understand the differences between scientific problem-solving and creative problem-solving
- Recognize the seven critical steps to accepting a problem
- Identify the costs and dangers of ignoring a problem
- "Redefine" problems to discover overlooked solutions
- Discover the importance of having multiple creative solutions to one problem
- Learn the four essential questions to ask for defining a problem
Creative Problem-Solving and Idea Generation
- Why creative ideas tend to die — and what you can do to keep them alive
- Strategies to create an environment that encourages resourcefulness and rewards innovative thinking
- Five creativity myths — busted once and for all!
- Using "what if?" scenarios to uncover exciting opportunities and solutions
- Fear of failure: Master key actions to overcome it, and learn to accept failure as an essential component of success
- Seven strategies for learning to be creative — even if you aren't a "creative person"
- Brainstorming, mind mapping, and other techniques for swiftly generating loads of great ideas
- Powerful ways to stimulate group creativity and break through barriers
Strategic Thinking and Effective Decision-Making
- Strategic thinking — how it differs from creative thinking
- Tips for recognizing your thinking and decision-making style
- How to make the right decision, even when faced with dozens of confusing alternatives
- The five golden rewards of effective decision making
- Two procedures for analyzing your decision-making style
- The six basic decision-making options
- A five-point rational model of decision making
How to Sell Others on Your Great New Ideas
- Overcoming resistance to change — in yourself and your staff
- How to sell creative ideas in a technical world
- Moving from ideas to action — how to get buy-in from key personalities
- Eight common traits shared by all marketable ideas or projects
- Thirteen common characteristics of innovative change efforts
- Eight tactics for handling external resistance and overcoming external opposition
- The 12 basic steps for creative problem-solving