Stop Overthinking and Eliminate Decision Fatigue

Learn effective strategies to avoid decision overload

Half-Day Seminar


Credits – 

CEU: 0.3  

Harvard Business Review reminds people, "Your mental depth gives you a major competitive advantage. Once you learn to keep overthinking in check, you’ll be able to harness your sensitivity for the superpower that it can be." Advances in Technology and product management software have been a benefit to productivity, allowing us to manage and oversee more tasks and projects than ever before. With that comes more decisions, responsibilities and the potential for even more mistakes. For many, the result is decision overload or overthinking.

Many decisions are made daily; the psychological toll can be taxing for even the most resourceful multitasker. Decision-making can leave you feeling trapped in a never-ending loop of assessments and analysis paralysis. This can often leave you constantly second-guessing every decision made.

Overthinking can artificially raise the stakes, causing every decision to appear more crucial than it is. Now throw an overwhelming volume of decisions at your brain and you’ll be left feeling overstressed and fatigued, which leads directly back to the cycle of overthinking. As you can imagine, decision fatigue and overthinking can feed into one another creating a downward spiral of anxiety and stress.

It’s time to take control of your decision-making with this essential half-day seminar. Understand the psychological mechanisms at work that cause stress while focusing on the tools needed to navigate your workload while making concise and efficient decisions.

Stop Overthinking and Eliminate Decision Fatigue

Learn effective strategies to avoid decision overload

Understand the psychological mechanisms at work that cause stress while focusing on the tools needed to navigate your workload while making concise and efficient decisions.

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  • Learn the basics of symptoms and signs of overthinking.
  • Identify decision-making triggers.
  • Apply stress reduction techniques to the decision-making process.
  • Acknowledge when to take a break.
  • Understand the paradox of choice.
  • Prioritize your decision-making.
  • Designate collaborative decisions.
  • Cultivate and evaluate group ideas into decisions.
  • Collaborate and delegate decisions to your team.

Professionals, project managers, team managers, supervisors, leaders and anyone who finds themselves having to make frequent and decisive decisions.

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