Learn how to transform toxic employees into positive performers
Supervising employees is a tough enough challenge but employees with attitude and behavior problems can drain you and drag down the morale of your entire team. While toxic employees may perform at their peak and deliver strong results, their abrasive attitudes and sour dispositions make life miserable for everyone who comes into contact with them.
Utilize this workshop to learn how to manage employees with bad attitudes. Protect your team from further contamination and stop the spread of toxic behavior!
The bottom line is that these "bad apples" and "sour grapes" cost organizations time and money because of their impact on morale, retention, productivity and teamwork. Attitudes affect everyone, and, as a supervisor, it is your responsibility to manage and improve them.
How do you correct attitude issues and defuse behavior problems?
Attend this one-hour Webinar and gain the tips, tools and techniques you need to transform attitudes and influence behaviors to keep your team on track!
Do these problem employees sound familiar?
- "Not My Job" Nick: this employee sends sparks between team members and causes important details to slip through the cracks because he refuses to do anything beyond the specifics of his job description.
- "Attitude" Ashley: the coworker who leaves a toxic trail of negativity from the moment she walks into the office to the time she clocks out.
- "Egomaniac" Eric: this employee constantly swaggers through the office bragging about how wonderful he is, how perfectly he does everything and how much better he could perform your job duties.
- "Trainwreck" Tracy: the staff member who somehow always has a major life crisis that leaves her crying, complaining, too stressed to focus, sucking other coworkers into her drama and showing up late … if she shows up at all.
If you're like most managers and supervisors, you've dealt with all of these attitudes and behaviors … and more! Are you doing all you can to end the agony for yourself, your team and your organization? This powerful one-hour Webinar is truly an investment in the future of your team and your organization.
Don't let these trying and troublesome employees negatively affect your work environment any longer! You and your entire team will benefit from this informative and exciting one-hour class. Don't miss out — get great training that will empower you to take charge and get attitudes back on track today!
Learn how to transform toxic employees into positive performers
Supervising employees is a tough enough challenge; supervising employees with attitude and behavior problems can drain you and drag down the morale of your entire team. While toxic employees may perform at their peak and deliver strong results, their abrasive attitudes and sour dispositions make life miserable for everyone who comes in contact with them.
- Quickly and confidently identify where attitude translates into a legitimate performance issue.
- Effectively confront, coach and counsel employees whose poor attitudes and behaviors are negatively affecting your team's performance, before it gets any worse.
- Get slackers, whiners, prima donnas, grumblers and sad sacks back on track while managing the unique issues of the "super-high achiever" in your group without compromising performance or productivity.
- Take the necessary steps to raise morale and inspire the "can-do" culture that achieves goals, exceeds company expectations and rewards people for the right attitudes, rather than allowing the wrong ones to control everyone.
Managers, supervisors, team leaders, project managers and anyone who may play a part in management, supervision and performance evaluations for your organization.